Addition and subtraction - Subtraction crossing 10 - Starter

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Subtraction crossing 10 - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the Year 2 curriculum for Autumn Term, Week 7, Day 3, students are presented with exercises designed to enhance their fluency in addition and subtraction, particularly focusing on subtraction that involves crossing the number 10. The 'Fluent in Four' revision section provides a series of mathematical challenges that encourage children to apply their understanding of number bonds and patterns in addition. For instance, they are tasked with identifying the missing factor in a multiplication equation, such as finding the number that, when multiplied by 5, results in 65. They are also asked to calculate the product of 7 and 2, which reinforces their multiplication skills.

Another component of the exercise involves comparative language in mathematics, prompting students to use the phrases 'more than' or 'less than' to describe the relationship between two numbers. They are given two columns, labelled A and B, with different numbers to add or compare. For example, if column A has the number 7 and column B has the number 3, and an additional 16 is added to column B, students must calculate the new totals and determine whether A has 'more than' or 'less than' B. The exercises are designed to be clear and straightforward, ensuring that students can confidently practise their addition and subtraction skills, including the important concept of carrying over when subtracting across the number 10.

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