Addition and subtraction - Add and subtract 10s - Starter

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Add and subtract 10s - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a mathematics session aimed at Year 2 pupils during the autumn term, the focus is on enhancing fluency in addition and subtraction by adding and subtracting tens. The exercises encourage children to engage with numbers up to 100, reinforcing their understanding of numerical sequences and the base-10 number system. One of the tasks involves comparing numbers using comparison symbols to determine which is greater or lesser. For example, pupils are asked to calculate the result of 70 subtracting 10 and to then compare different numbers, such as determining what is 10 more or 10 less than 72 and 65. This helps to solidify their mental arithmetic skills and their understanding of place value.

Additional activities within the lesson include a variety of calculations and comparisons. Pupils are prompted to solve problems such as finding the total amount of money in pence, understanding the concept of 'half past' on the clock, and breaking down numbers into their constituent parts, like recognising that twelve consists of 2 ones. The exercises are designed to be interactive and to build confidence in the fundamental concepts of addition and subtraction. For instance, they might be asked to write down the numbers that are ten higher or lower than a given number, further practising their counting in tens. Through these activities, children develop key mathematical skills that form the foundation for more complex arithmetic in the future.

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