Addition and subtraction - Mixed addition and subtraction - Planning

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Mixed addition and subtraction - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a Year 2 mathematics lesson focusing on mixed addition and subtraction problems, students are expected to apply their understanding of basic arithmetic operations. The lesson starts with a recap of previous learning and a series of 'fluent in four' questions to refresh their knowledge. Key vocabulary such as 'addition', 'subtract', 'exchange', 'equals', 'altogether', 'bar model', and 'twice' are introduced to aid comprehension. Students are then presented with word problems that require them to decide whether to add or subtract. To visualise the problems, they learn to draw bar models, a valuable tool for representing the given information. For instance, when faced with a problem where one character has a certain number of cookies and another has twice as many, students explore the concept of doubling and represent this using bars of equal length.

As the lesson progresses, children tackle more complex problems that involve finding the total number of items by adding, or discovering the difference between quantities through subtraction. They are encouraged to use partner talk to discuss their reasoning and to identify keywords within the problems that signal the correct operation. For differentiation, children are provided with varying levels of support: some have examples with partially completed bars, while others must draw their own bars to find the answers. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' activity, where students consider what they have learned, the skills they have used, those they found challenging, what supported their learning, and what they promise to remember from the lesson. This structured approach helps to consolidate their understanding and apply it to a variety of mathematical scenarios.

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