Addition and subtraction - Add two-digit and one-digit numbers - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In the Year 2 Autumn Addition and Subtraction curriculum, Week 3 is dedicated to teaching students how to add two-digit and one-digit numbers, particularly when this involves crossing the ten boundary. The National Curriculum objectives for this week focus on ensuring that children can recall and use addition and subtraction facts up to 20 fluently, and apply these skills to related facts up to 100. Students are encouraged to use a variety of methods for addition and subtraction, including concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mental calculations. These methods are applicable to adding a two-digit number with ones or tens, combining two two-digit numbers, and adding three one-digit numbers. Additionally, the curriculum aims to develop problem-solving skills involving numbers, quantities, and measures, and to advance the students' knowledge of mental and written methods.
The lesson begins with a starter activity that revisits previously learned content, ensuring that the children have a solid understanding of place value and number bonds, which are crucial for efficient progression. During the lesson, students engage in a series of activities, starting with counting on from the largest number and moving onto more efficient methods such as bridging ten, using ten frames to visualise the process. They also play an exchange game to reinforce the concept of exchanging ten ones for one ten. The lesson plan includes practical use of ten frames, base 10 equipment, place value grids, and worksheets, with the aim of helping children visualise and understand the addition process. Key vocabulary for the lesson includes terms such as addition, equals, ten frame, exchange, tens, and ones. To consolidate learning, children are asked to complete independent work through differentiated worksheets, and the lesson concludes with a reflection on what they have learned, the skills they have used, and any tricky aspects they encountered.