Addition and subtraction - 10 more and 10 less - Planning

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - 10 more and 10 less - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the second week of the Autumn term, Year 2 pupils engage with a mathematics lesson focused on understanding 10 more and 10 less than a given two-digit number. The lesson emphasises the significance of the tens digit, using a 100 square to visually demonstrate the changes in the tens column while the ones remain constant. This concept is further reinforced through the use of concrete materials such as counters, dice, and Base 10 blocks, before transitioning to more abstract representations. The lesson begins with a recap of counting in multiples of 10 and finding 10 more or less of a multiple of 10, with activities designed to solidify the understanding that when counting in tens, the tens digit changes but the ones stay the same.

Students engage in a variety of activities, including completing number tracks and using a 100 square to prove the consistent application of the rule. They verbalise their thought processes, for instance, stating "Ten more than 54 is 64" to understand the relationship between addition and subtraction in tens. A practical game called 'More or Less' encourages students to apply their learning in a fun, interactive way. The lesson also incorporates storytelling with Base 10 blocks to further explore the concept of 10 more or less through practical examples. Towards the end of the lesson, reasoning questions and differentiated worksheets allow for a deeper understanding and assessment of the pupils' grasp of the topic. The plenary session includes a reflective 'Give me five' activity, where students consider what they have learned, the skills they've used, any challenges faced, and the support that helped them during the lesson, ensuring they remember the key takeaways about finding 10 more or 10 less than a number.

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