Place value - Tens and ones within 20 - Worksheet

Year 2
Place value - Tens and ones within 20 - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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This worksheet is designed to help Year 6 students grasp the concept of place value, specifically focusing on tens and ones within the number range of 1 to 20. The National Curriculum objective for this lesson is to identify and represent numbers using various methods such as objects, pictorial representations, and the number line, as well as to read and write these numbers in both numerals and words. To facilitate this learning, differentiated sheets and teaching slides are provided, along with concrete equipment like Base 10 blocks, which are depicted as 'sticks and bricks' in drawings, where a line represents a ten and a dot represents one.

Students will learn that numbers 11 through 19 are composed of '1 ten and some more ones', while 10 and 20 consist of only tens. The key vocabulary for this lesson includes terms such as tens, ones, equal, represents, count, greater, less, and part-whole model. Through engaging activities, children will use ten frames to visually identify the number of tens and ones in numbers from 11 to 20. Some students will have counters provided, while others will draw their own to represent the numbers and then fill in the blanks to show the tens and ones. More advanced students will work on filling in different missing parts of a question and understanding that, for example, 3 ones and 1 ten make 13, not 31. The worksheet encourages reasoning and problem-solving by asking students to complete ten frames in various ways and understand the composition of numbers up to 1 ten and 10 ones.

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