Place value - Tens and ones within 50 - Presentation

Year 2
Place value - Tens and ones within 50 - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The educational resource for mastering place value focuses on the concept of tens and ones within the number range up to 50. In a series of interactive lessons, students are encouraged to recall and apply their understanding of place value, specifically how numbers are composed of tens and ones. The lessons involve various activities where students fill in the blanks to represent numbers using tens and ones, such as "47" being broken down into "4 tens and 7 ones," which combines to make the original number. This approach helps to reinforce the foundational mathematics concept that numbers can be deconstructed into their constituent parts for easier understanding and manipulation.

Further activities include reasoning exercises where students assess and correct the work of fictional peers, such as Malachi, Leanna, and Zach, who are completing part whole models. These exercises are designed to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills by identifying and explaining errors in place value representations. For example, students are tasked with determining why a representation does not show the number "32" and are guided to understand that the correct configuration should display "3 tens and 2 ones," not the other way around. Independent work supplements the lesson, where students use straws to count and represent numbers visually, further solidifying their grasp of tens and ones and how these can be used to construct and deconstruct numbers up to 50.

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