Place value - Counting in 3s - Planning

Year 2
Place value - Counting in 3s - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In the Year 2 Autumn term, the focus for Week 4 is on place value, with a particular emphasis on counting in threes. This session begins with a starter activity where children review previous learning and complete 'fluent in four' questions. The key vocabulary for the lesson includes terms such as 'multiple', 'odd', 'even', 'digit', 'forwards', and 'backwards'. The class teaching input encourages children to count forwards and backwards in threes from any multiple of three, while being mindful of patterns that emerge during the process. Tools like a number track, counting stick, and concrete representations are used to support their learning. Daily counting activities include sequences in twos, fives, and tens, and are expanded to include threes, utilising resources like an interactive 100 square to aid oral rehearsal.

The lesson plan includes practical partner work where children explore the pattern of counting in threes using Numicon to identify the odd and even structure, and they label each multiple with the correct numeral. The plan suggests taking the learning outside, where children can draw number lines up to 20 with chalk and physically jump in steps of three to reinforce the concept. As they progress, children create sequences using various classroom resources, such as bead strings, number lines, counters, blocks, and Lego, to represent counting in threes. They are also encouraged to share number stories that illustrate their counting. The lesson aims to develop fluency through activities and reasoning challenges that prompt children to verbalise their understanding of the pattern and structure of counting in threes. The 'Give me five' reflection activity helps consolidate learning, with different levels of support and challenge provided to cater to varying levels of depth in understanding, from working towards expectations to achieving greater depth.

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