Position and direction - Descibe turns - Presentation

Year 1
Position and direction - Descibe turns - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the realm of primary mathematics, understanding position and direction is a key skill for students. A particular aspect of this is the ability to describe turns accurately. Today's lesson will delve into the concept of making half, quarter, and three-quarter turns. Students will be encouraged to discuss and explore the language used to describe turns, moving away from vague instructions like 'turn this way a bit' which can lead to confusion. The lesson aims to equip students with the precise vocabulary needed to give clear directions when describing turns, a vital skill in both mathematics and everyday situations.

The class will look at a complete circle, learning how it can be divided into equal parts to understand halves and quarters. This visual representation aids in grasping the concept of fractions of a turn, with activities involving a turtle character to illustrate the point. Students will observe how the turtle makes quarter, half, and three-quarter turns, and they will be challenged to identify the type of turn made when the turtle ends up back at the starting position. This hands-on approach is further reinforced with a main activity where students practise making these turns themselves, facing a wall and then using objects like pencils or spoons to make and describe turns. The lesson concludes with a discussion on the importance of using precise language to describe turns and the practical applications of this knowledge.

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