Length and height - Compare lengths and heights - Presentation

Year 1
Length and height - Compare lengths and heights - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In the educational presentation on comparing lengths and heights, students are introduced to the concepts of length and height and the language associated with them. The lesson encourages the use of comparative words such as 'taller', 'longer', and 'shorter' to describe the relative dimensions of various objects and people. Students are prompted to consider the difference between length and height through discussion and are asked to apply their understanding in a series of activities. For example, they might compare the height of a man and a boy, using sentence stems to articulate which is taller or shorter. This approach helps to build their vocabulary and comprehension of spatial relationships.

As the lesson progresses, additional activities guide students to compare the height of animals, such as a deer and a mountain hare, as well as the length of objects like pencils and crayons. These exercises are designed to reinforce the use of comparison words in different contexts. Students are also challenged to create sentences comparing the lengths and heights of vehicles and trees, using a set of provided words to assist them. The lesson includes reasoning tasks where students must critique and improve given sentences for accuracy, such as choosing 'taller' instead of 'longer' when comparing the height of people. Independent work and discussion questions further encourage students to practice and refine their understanding of measuring and comparing lengths and heights.

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