Place Value within 50 - Counting forwards and backwards within 50 - Presentation

Year 1
Place Value within 50 - Counting forwards and backwards within 50 - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a comprehensive lesson focused on place value within 50, students learn to count forwards and backwards, as well as write numbers up to 20 in words. The lesson starts with a thought-provoking question about whether counting always starts from zero, encouraging students to consider different starting points. Activities are designed to engage students in visualising numbers on a 100 square grid, where they learn to quickly locate two-digit numbers, such as 47, by counting down in tens and then across in ones. This method is likened to the movements of a crab and a spider, making the concept more relatable and memorable for young learners.

Further activities include completing numerical sequences and representing numbers with stars, reinforcing the spelling patterns of 'teen' numbers. Students also practice counting backwards, filling in missing numbers and drawing representations like straws to understand the value of tens and ones. The lesson includes reasoning exercises where students assess the accuracy of counting statements, correcting any mistakes and explaining their reasoning. Independent work challenges students to spot and correct errors, complete sequences in numbers and words, and verify true or false statements. Throughout the lesson, students are encouraged to discuss various strategies for finding larger numbers on the 100 square and the directional nature of counting, enhancing their understanding of place value within 50.

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