Addition and subtraction within 20 - Find and make number bonds - Starter

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 20 - Find and make number bonds - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the early stages of mathematics education, Year 1 students are introduced to the fundamental concept of addition and subtraction within 20. The lesson plan for Spring Term, Week 2, Day 5, focuses on finding and making number bonds, an essential skill for developing fluency in basic arithmetic. The "Fluent in Four" revision activity encourages students to apply their understanding of doubling and halving to solve problems such as doubling 3 and adding half of 16, or combining 14 with 5. To assist in their calculations, students are prompted to use counters, a hands-on tool that aids in visualising the operations.

The lesson continues with exercises designed to reinforce the students' ability to complete addition equations. They are presented with partially filled equations such as 4 + ___ = 7 and ___ + 3 = 7, where they must determine the missing numbers that complete the bond to 7. Similarly, they solve for the missing numbers that will sum up to 17. These activities not only help students recognise patterns in numbers but also prepare them for more complex mathematical concepts. Additionally, a practical problem involving a hedgehog with 6 peaches asks students to identify which bag belongs to the hedgehog, integrating a real-world context into their learning. To further enhance their counting skills, students are also asked to find sets that contain 4 items, promoting their ability to group and count objects accurately.

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