Geometry Shape - Sort 2D shapes - Starter

Year 1
Geometry Shape - Sort 2D shapes - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the Year 1 curriculum for the Autumn term, Week 10, Day 4, students are presented with an engaging starter activity that focuses on sorting 2D shapes. The session, which is part of the 'Fluent in Four - Revision' series, encourages young learners to use their understanding of basic arithmetic and geometry. To participate in the activities, each child will require 10 counters, which serve as a hands-on tool to aid in their learning. The tasks are designed to be interactive and thought-provoking, prompting students to apply their counting skills in various scenarios.

The activities include a range of exercises such as matching numerals to their corresponding words, performing simple subtractions, and comparing quantities to determine who has more. Children are also asked to use their counters to solve problems, like figuring out the number of hexagons in a pattern or the number of cubes used to create a particular shape. These exercises not only reinforce numerical fluency but also introduce basic geometric concepts. The tasks are structured to encourage discussion and comparison, as seen in the example where students compare the amounts Zach and Leanna have, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

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