Addition and subtraction within 10 - Adding more - Worksheet

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Adding more - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The worksheet titled "Fluency & Precision 1 - Adding more" is an educational resource designed to help children practice and enhance their addition skills within the number range of 10. It presents a series of word problems that encourage students to add quantities of everyday items, such as marbles, pennies, and teddy bears, to a starting number. The exercises require children to visualize the numbers, count on from the given number, and write their answers. Some problems present the numbers in figures, while others require the children to read and write the numbers in words, reinforcing their numerical literacy and comprehension.

As part of the learning activity, children are asked to solve problems like determining the total number of marbles in a bag after adding a certain number more, or figuring out the new quantity of pennies when additional ones are added to those already in a bag. The worksheet is structured to progressively build the students' confidence in mental arithmetic by starting with visual aids and moving towards mental calculations. Additionally, some tasks focus on identifying the quantity added to reach a new total, which helps children understand the concept of missing addends. This worksheet is suitable for young learners who are working on developing their foundational arithmetic skills, with a focus on addition within the number range of 10.

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