Addition and subtraction within 10 - Fact families 8 facts - Starter

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Fact families 8 facts - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the Autumn Term of Year 1, during Week 8 Day 5, students are set to engage in a 'Fluent in Four' revision activity that focuses on addition and subtraction within the number range of 10. This activity is designed to help children understand and create fact families that consist of 8 facts. To facilitate hands-on learning, the children will need 10 counters as a practical resource to aid their calculations. The session begins with a comparison task where students must determine the relationship between two sets of numbers, using mathematical concepts such as halving and doubling to find their answers.

The main activity encourages children to explore the various calculations that can be formed using a given image. They are prompted to use their counters to assist in creating and solving a series of addition and subtraction equations. The template provided includes blank spaces where students can write down their equations, such as "______ + ______ = ______" and "______ – ______ = ______", as well as the inverse operations, demonstrating the concept of fact families. By arranging and rearranging the counters, children can visually comprehend how numbers can be combined or separated to form different equations, thereby reinforcing their understanding of basic arithmetic relationships and number bonds within 10.

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