Addition and subtraction within 10 - Comparing statements - Presentation

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Comparing statements - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a series of engaging and interactive slides, young learners are introduced to the concept of comparing numerical statements using addition and subtraction within the range of 10. The lesson, titled "Compare Statements (1)," encourages students to understand and use the terms 'greater than', 'less than', and 'equal to' when evaluating mathematical sentences. The slides present various activities where students are asked to complete number sentences by determining the correct relational symbol or value to make the statement true. For example, they might be given a statement such as "3 + 1 is greater than _____" and must find the correct number to fill in the blank.

As the lesson progresses, the activities increase in complexity, requiring students to not only fill in missing numbers but also to determine the correct comparative symbol between different mathematical expressions. For instance, they might be presented with "4 plus 2 is ____________ 6" and have to decide whether the correct term is 'greater than', 'less than', or 'equal to'. The slides also include reasoning tasks that ask students to explain their answers, such as deciding whether they would prefer to have a certain combination of sweets or a specific number and justifying their choice. These exercises help students to develop a deeper understanding of numerical relationships and the logic behind mathematical comparisons.

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