Addition and subtraction within 10 - Finding a part - Presentation

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Finding a part - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a series of engaging and interactive slides, students are introduced to the concept of finding a part within addition and subtraction problems, focusing on numbers within 10. The lesson builds on prior learning, encouraging children to use the counting on method to identify missing numbers in part-whole models. The part-whole model is a visual representation that helps students understand how a whole number is made up of its component parts. Through a variety of exercises, students are prompted to complete the model and construct corresponding number sentences to solidify their understanding of the relationship between the parts and the whole.

With a clear emphasis on fluency and reasoning, the slides guide students through various scenarios where they must identify missing numbers to complete the part-whole model. For example, if given that 5 is a part and the whole is 9, students must determine the other part. They are also encouraged to translate these models into addition equations. The lesson extends to real-life applications, such as determining how much money is spent on additional items when a known amount is used to purchase something. To deepen their reasoning skills, students are challenged to explore different combinations to complete the model using unique digits and to justify why certain digits cannot be used. The lesson concludes with independent work where students read questions carefully and apply their knowledge to solve problems and create their own part-whole stories.

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