Addition and subtraction within 10 - Adding more 2 - Presentation

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Adding more 2 - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the continuation of a maths lesson on addition within the number range of ten, students delve further into understanding the concept of 'Adding More'. The lesson aims to illustrate the effect on numbers when additional amounts are added. Through a series of engaging activities, children are prompted to consider the question, "What happens to your number when you add more?" This question serves as a springboard for discussion and exploration of basic addition principles. The lesson incorporates practical examples, such as counting fallen leaves and determining the total number on the ground after more have fallen, to help solidify the concept of addition in a relatable context.

Another activity within the lesson involves a scenario with children boarding a school bus, which encourages students to visualise and calculate the changing number of passengers as more children get on the bus. This real-life application helps students to grasp the idea of accumulation through addition. The lesson progresses with independent work where students read questions carefully and complete number sentences to demonstrate their understanding. They are also challenged with true or false statements to test their knowledge, and are encouraged to work with a partner to solve problems, fostering both individual and collaborative learning experiences. The lesson's structure is designed to build fluency and reasoning skills in the context of addition.

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