Addition and subtraction within 10 - Adding number bonds - Planning

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Adding number bonds - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the Year 1 curriculum, the focus of this particular lesson is on addition and subtraction within 10, with a specific emphasis on adding using number bonds. The lesson begins with a starter activity where children answer questions to recap their understanding of number bonds in the context of addition. They are encouraged to explore what number bonds are and how they relate to addition, for example, recognising that 3 + 4 is a number bond to 7. The class teaching input utilises resources such as number shapes and double-sided counters to help children visualise and calculate number bonds.

During the independent learning segment, children are presented with four different addition sentences and tasked with identifying the one that does not represent the bond to 7. This activity helps reinforce their understanding of number bonds and the concept of the total. A second activity introduces number bonds in the form of dominoes, prompting children to add the two sides to find the bond. The session concludes with a plenary that includes a 'Give me five' reflection exercise, where children consider what they have learned, the skills they've used, and the resources that have assisted them. Worksheets are provided for independent practice, catering to varying levels of comprehension, from working towards expected standards to achieving greater depth, with hints and equipment available to support learning.

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