Rounding Decimals up to 3 Decimal Places - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Rounding Decimals up to 3 Decimal Places - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
AI generated

In this engaging and interactive PowerPoint presentation, students are taught the concept of rounding decimals up to three decimal places. The learning objective is to help them understand how to round decimals to the nearest whole number and to one decimal place, utilising their knowledge of place value. The process of rounding is clearly explained: if the digit following the last one to be kept is less than five, the number stays the same, known as rounding down. Conversely, if the next digit is five or more, the number is increased by one, which is rounding up. The presentation guides students through the technique of rounding to tenths and hundredths, leaving one or two numbers after the decimal point respectively.

Students are presented with a series of exercises to practice rounding decimals. They are first asked to identify which two whole numbers a given decimal lies between before rounding it to the nearest whole number. The presentation also includes a challenge where students fill in the gaps by rounding a list of decimals to the nearest whole number and then to the nearest tenth. The answers are revealed step by step, reinforcing the learning process. Additionally, the presentation offers a game where students create numbers with three decimal places from digit cards and then round them to the nearest tenth, competing to achieve the highest score after multiple rounds. This creative approach to rounding decimals makes the learning process both fun and memorable.