Place Value to Millions - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Place Value to Millions - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation, students are introduced to the concept of place value with a focus on seven-digit numbers, which reach into the millions. The presentation explains the importance of understanding the value of each digit based on its position within a number. For instance, in a number like 8,562,149, the digit 8 is in the millions place, making it worth 8 million. The session aims to equip students with the skills to read, write, round, compare, and order numbers up to seven digits, enhancing their numerical literacy. Additionally, the use of a thousand separator is emphasised to aid in the easier reading of large numbers, such as 5,478,569, which represents five million, four hundred and seventy-eight thousand, five hundred and sixty-nine.

The PowerPoint further delves into practical exercises where students learn to compare large numbers using symbols for greater than (>), less than (<), and equal to (=). They are tasked with inserting the correct symbol between pairs of numbers to determine their relative sizes. Moreover, students engage in activities that include rounding numbers, completing sequences by adding or subtracting values, and placing numbers in ascending order. For example, they might be asked to write numbers like 1,792,401 in figures or to arrange a set of numbers like 2,356,989, 1,245,789, and 1,256,941 in ascending order. These activities not only reinforce their understanding of place value but also improve their ability to manipulate and understand the significance of each digit in multi-million numbers.

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