Money - PowerPoint

Year 3
Money - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In this engaging PowerPoint presentation, Year 3 students are introduced to the concept of money, focusing on British currency which includes pounds (£) and pence (p). They learn that money can be measured in these units, with 100 pence making up 1 pound. The presentation provides clear examples of how to convert between pounds and pence, reinforcing the understanding that £1.34 is equivalent to 134p. The interactive slides encourage students to practise this conversion themselves, with clickable elements that reveal the answers to ensure they are on the right track.

The lesson also delves into practical applications of money by teaching students how to add and subtract monetary values. They are shown that converting all amounts into pence simplifies the process of addition and subtraction. For instance, adding £1.25 and 40p becomes an easy task when converted to 125p plus 40p, equalling 165p, which can then be changed back to £1.65. The presentation further explores the concept of giving change, using real-life scenarios such as calculating how much change is received from £1.00 after buying a toy train for 85p. Finally, the students apply their new skills in a fun and interactive setting, working out the cost of orders and the change needed at a pizza takeaway shop, ensuring a thorough understanding of managing and calculating money in everyday situations.

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