Multiply by Seven - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Multiply by Seven - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a series of engaging and educational resources tailored for Year 4 students, the focus is on mastering multiplication with the number seven. The lesson's objective is clear: to practice and become proficient at multiplying by 7. Students are introduced to the concept through visual aids, such as the example of '2 groups of 7 lemons make 14', which is then translated into the multiplication sentence '2 x 7 = 14'. The resources simplify the multiplication process by showing that combining groups of seven yields specific results, starting from '0 x 7 = 0', indicating that zero groups of seven amount to nothing, up to '12 x 7 = 84', showing twelve groups of seven.

Alongside these basic multiplication facts, the resources offer top tips to help students remember key points, such as the parity of the product depending on whether you multiply an even or odd number by seven, and that any number multiplied by zero will always result in zero. To reinforce the learning, students are encouraged to complete worksheets with multiplication questions and engage in classroom activities like forming a chain of correct answers to multiplication questions. Additionally, there are creative exercises like the 'x 7 flower', where students fill in the petals with the correct multiples of seven. For further practice, flash cards can be created from cut-out boxes with multiplication questions on one side and the answers on the other, facilitating an interactive and fun way to solidify their multiplication skills.

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