Dividing One and Two Digit Numbers by Ten - PowerPoint

Year 4
Dividing One and Two Digit Numbers by Ten - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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In a series of engaging mathematics resources focused on Year 4 students, the concept of dividing one and two-digit numbers by ten is explored. The materials provide clear guidance on the process: when dividing by ten, the decimal point remains fixed while the digits shift one place to the right, with the addition of zeros where necessary. This operation makes the number ten times smaller. For instance, dividing 5 by 10 results in 0.5, illustrating the reduction in value. To support learning, place value charts are employed to help students visualise and solve division problems.

The resources include a variety of worksheets where students can apply their knowledge to divide both whole numbers and decimals by ten. Examples such as 3 ÷ 10 = 0.3 and 0.4 ÷ 10 = 0.04 are provided to demonstrate the method. Additionally, common misconceptions are addressed, such as when a student incorrectly moves the digits to the left instead of the right. The correct process is reinforced through practice problems and the use of Gattegno charts, which further aid in understanding the relationship between division by ten and the resulting place value changes. These educational resources ensure that students can confidently divide numbers by ten and understand the underlying principles of place value.

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