Place Value and Hundredths - PowerPoint

Year 4
Place Value and Hundredths - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The "Place Value and Hundredths" PowerPoint and accompanying worksheets are educational resources designed to help Year 4 students understand fractions and decimals, specifically focusing on hundredths. The materials guide students through the concept of place value in the context of decimal numbers. Each slide presents a place value grid that visually represents decimal numbers, where students are tasked with identifying the number of tenths and hundredths to determine the decimal number shown.

The worksheets provide a series of exercises that allow students to practice representing decimal numbers using place value grids. For instance, a grid with 0 tenths and 3 hundredths indicates the decimal number 0.03, while a grid with 2 tenths and 6 hundredths represents the decimal number 0.26. The exercises progress in complexity, with some grids showing ones, tenths, and hundredths, requiring students to combine these to find the total value, such as 2 ones, 3 tenths, and 5 hundredths equaling the decimal number 2.35. Additionally, the resources include activities where students must determine whether statements about the representation of numbers on the grids are true or false, further reinforcing their understanding of place value and decimal numbers.

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