2-D Shapes - PowerPoint

Year 2
2-D Shapes - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation designed for Year 2 students, the focus is on identifying and describing 2-D shapes, as well as understanding the concept of line symmetry. The lesson begins by posing the question of what the class will learn, which is to practice describing two-dimensional shapes and to learn about line symmetry. A 2-D shape is defined as a flat figure that can have either straight or curved sides, and students are taught to describe these shapes by the number of sides and corners they possess. For example, a triangle is described as a shape with three straight sides and three corners, while a circle is defined by having one curved side and no corners.

The lesson continues by encouraging students to describe various shapes such as squares, rectangles, pentagons, hexagons, and octagons, highlighting their properties such as the number of sides and corners, and whether the sides are equal or of differing lengths. Interactive elements prompt students to click and reveal answers to questions about these shapes. Furthermore, the lesson introduces the concept of line symmetry, explaining that if a shape has line symmetry, one half is a reflection of the other, like a mirror image. Students are shown how to find line symmetry by folding shapes in half to see if the sides match perfectly. The lesson concludes with activities where students cut out shapes to test for line symmetry and fill in worksheets that reinforce the identification and description of 2-D shapes and their symmetrical properties.

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