Year 2 Money - Making the Same Amount - PowerPoint

Year 2
Year 2 Money - Making the Same Amount - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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A PowerPoint teaching resource is designed for Year 2 students to enhance their understanding of money and how different combinations of coins can equal the same monetary amount. The resource provides a visual and interactive approach to learning, with slides that prompt students to match various sums of money. For example, students may be asked to draw lines connecting different sets of coins that add up to the same total. This activity not only reinforces their recognition of coin values but also their addition skills.

Further slides delve into part-whole models, where students are presented with an amount such as 45p, 70p, £2 and 10p, or £5 and 20p, and are tasked with dividing these totals into component parts. This concept helps them understand how larger amounts can be broken down into smaller sums. Additionally, the resource challenges students to think creatively by asking them to make a specific amount in three different ways using the coins provided. For instance, they may need to find three unique combinations of coins that add up to 20p, 50p, 35p, or 80p. Suggested answers are included to guide educators in reviewing the students' solutions and ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the task.

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