Multiplication Using Arrays - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
Multiplication Using Arrays - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a set of educational resources focused on teaching multiplication through the concept of arrays, students are introduced to the idea of arranging objects in rows and columns to visualize and solve multiplication problems. An array is defined as an organized set of items placed into equal rows and columns, facilitating the understanding of multiplication as repeated addition. Rows are explained as groups of objects laid out side by side, while columns are described as objects arranged from top to bottom.

The materials provide examples with different objects such as apples, which can be organized in various ways, like 2 rows of 4 columns or 4 rows of 2 columns, to illustrate the flexibility of arrays in representing multiplication facts. Worksheets are included to encourage students to identify the number of rows and columns in given arrays and to experiment with arranging shapes into arrays themselves. This hands-on approach helps students to grasp the commutative property of multiplication, showing that the order of factors does not affect the product, as demonstrated by the ability to rotate arrays. The resources also prompt students to draw arrays for specific multiplication questions, reinforcing the visual aspect of multiplication and aiding in the development of their mathematical understanding.

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