Seasonal Sums - PowerPoint

Year 1
Seasonal Sums - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Mathematics teaching resources are designed to help students enhance their addition skills through engaging and interactive methods. One such resource includes a PowerPoint presentation that guides learners through the process of using a number line for addition. The presentation outlines simple addition problems such as "6 + 2 = 8" and "11 + 8 = 19", providing a clear and concise method for students to follow. It encourages students to start at the first number and count forwards by the value of the second number, thus helping them to understand the concept of addition in a visual and practical way.

The resource includes a variety of addition sums for students to practice, such as "3 + 2 = 5" and "9 + 3 = 12", reinforcing the technique of using a number line. To further support learning, there are seasonal sums worksheets where students can apply their knowledge and solve additional problems. These worksheets are structured with a sequence of sums like "2 + 4 = 6" and "5 + 6 = 11", progressing in difficulty to ensure a comprehensive understanding of addition. The resource concludes with a festive touch, inviting students to colour a picture after completing their mathematical exercises, combining learning with a creative activity.

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