Counting in 10s - PowerPoint

Year 1
Counting in 10s - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a mathematics lesson tailored for Year 1 pupils, the objective is to practise counting in tens up to 100. This foundational number and place value skill is introduced through engaging resources that help children understand what counting in tens entails. Counting in tens is explained as the process of adding ten to the previous number in a sequence, a concept that is crucial for developing numerical fluency. The lesson is designed to be interactive, with a PowerPoint presentation guiding the students through the counting sequence, starting from zero and progressing through each ten until they reach one hundred.

Worksheets are provided to reinforce the concept, challenging students to identify and fill in missing numbers in sequences that count by tens. For example, if a sequence starts with 30, followed by 40 and 50, students must determine what the subsequent numbers will be. The resources also include answer sheets to validate the pupils' work. To make the learning experience even more enjoyable and memorable, there is a song about counting in tens that students can listen to, further embedding the rhythm and pattern of counting by tens. A colouring page is available as well, likely offering a fun and creative way to engage with the concept visually.

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