Ordering Numbers to 100 - PowerPoint

Year 2
Ordering Numbers to 100 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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In an engaging and interactive PowerPoint presentation, Year 2 students are introduced to the concept of ordering numbers up to 100. The presentation's primary goal is to teach children how to arrange numbers in both ascending and descending order. Ascending order, as explained, involves placing numbers from the smallest to the largest, which means the numbers increase in value. The presentation provides clear examples and steps for identifying the smallest number first and then sequentially finding the next smallest to arrange a set of numbers in ascending order.

Similarly, when discussing descending order, students learn to arrange numbers from the largest to the smallest, indicating a decrease in value. The process starts with identifying the largest number in a given set and then looking for the next largest until all numbers are ordered correctly. The PowerPoint includes interactive slides where students can click and move numbers to practice ordering them correctly. To reinforce learning, the presentation is complemented by worksheets where students are tasked with placing various sets of numbers in ascending and descending order, allowing them to apply their understanding practically.

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