CanDo21 Mats - 7x8
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths
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The CanDo21 Mats are a series of educational resources designed to enhance students' understanding of various mathematical concepts, including place value, fractions, and operations with whole numbers and decimals. The 7x8 mat, in particular, encourages students to 'deepen' their knowledge by engaging with a variety of tasks that challenge their comprehension and application of these concepts. For instance, the mat prompts learners to explore place value through activities that ask them to represent numbers in different forms, such as arrays or number lines, and to manipulate these numbers through operations like doubling or dividing.

Further, the mat incorporates problem-solving questions that require students to draw on their knowledge of multiplication and division. For example, they might be asked to find the missing number in an equation like "7 x _ = 56" or to calculate the number of tents needed for 62 cadets if each tent holds 7 cadets. These exercises not only reinforce arithmetic skills but also encourage logical reasoning and the ability to derive answers from known facts. The mat's design is aimed at facilitating a deeper understanding of the relationship between numbers and helping students to visualize and solve mathematical problems in a creative and engaging way.