CanDo21 Mats - 4x9
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths
AI generated

The CanDo21 Mats provide a versatile tool for reinforcing various mathematical concepts for learners. The mat covers topics such as place value for whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and the concept of 'Neighbours', which likely refers to adjacent numbers within a sequence or number line. The exercises prompt students to deepen their understanding through a series of activities that encourage them to manipulate numbers in different ways, such as doubling or dividing, drawing representations, and deriving new information from given facts.

For instance, one section of the mat challenges students to consider the relationship between multiplication and division. By exploring the statement "If I know 36 ÷ 4 = 9, then 4 x 9 = 4 x 10 - 4", students are asked to agree or disagree, prompting them to think critically about the properties of operations. The mat also incorporates problem-solving scenarios, such as calculating how much more money is needed to buy an item after saving for a certain period, or determining the number of packs needed to obtain a specific quantity of items. These real-world applications help to contextualise the mathematical concepts. Additionally, the mat includes scaling exercises and utilises visual aids like arrays and number lines to support learning. Overall, the CanDo21 Mats serve as a comprehensive resource for enhancing mathematical fluency and reasoning skills.