CanDo21 Mats - 4x8
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths
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The CanDo21 Mats provide a structured approach to enhancing mathematical understanding across various key concepts. With an emphasis on 'deepening' knowledge, the mats are designed to engage students in a range of activities that explore and reinforce their skills in place value, fractions, and decimals. The activities encourage students to apply their knowledge in different contexts, such as identifying the value of digits in whole numbers and decimals, understanding the concept of 'neighbours' or numbers close in value, and exploring the relationship between multiplication and division.

Students are invited to interact with the content through a series of thought-provoking challenges that include 'double or divide it', 'draw it', 'derive it', and 'do you agree?' sections. For instance, they might be asked to consider if 320 divided by 40 equals 8, based on their understanding that 32 divided by 4 equals 8. There are also problem-solving tasks that require scaling and array use, such as determining whether a Formula 1 team has enough tyres for eight complete changes, given they have 35 tyres in total. Another example prompts students to calculate the number of horses in a field based on the total number of legs observed. These activities are designed not only to test mathematical fluency but also to develop reasoning and problem-solving skills.