CanDo21 Mats - 3x6
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths
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The CanDo21 Mats provide a structured approach to reinforcing key mathematical concepts across various topics such as place value, fractions, and decimals. The mat titled '3x6 deepen it' is designed to challenge students' understanding and encourage deeper thinking. In the 'Place Value (whole numbers)' section, students are prompted to consider the significance of numerical positions in whole numbers, while the 'Fractions' section likely involves exercises to explore parts of a whole. The 'Place Value (decimals)' section focuses on the value of digits in decimal numbers, and 'Neighbours' could be an activity relating to adjacent values or rounding numbers.

The mat also includes a series of problem-solving tasks that require students to apply their knowledge in different contexts. For example, 'Double or divide it' suggests activities that involve doubling numbers or finding halves, while 'draw it' and 'derive it' encourage visual representation and logical deduction from given information. The 'If I know' section presents a scenario where students must agree or disagree with a statement about factors and products, fostering critical thinking. The tasks involving arrays, number lines, and scaling help students visualize mathematical concepts and apply them to practical questions, such as sharing biscuits or measuring liquid in a jug. Overall, the CanDo21 Mats offer a comprehensive tool for enhancing students' mathematical skills through varied and interactive exercises.