Take From 9

Games & Quizzes
Year 1 - Year 2
Take From 9
Get The Buzz
Get The Buzz
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"Take From 9" is an engaging educational game designed to help children learn and reinforce their number facts of nine through play. To participate in this game, each player will need a 0 to 9 dice, a digit board, and a set of counters. The objective of the game is to develop an understanding of subtraction by taking away the number rolled on the dice from nine and then covering the corresponding answer on the digit board. For example, if a player rolls a six, they will cover the number three, as 9 minus 6 equals 3. Players must roll again if they land on a 0 or 9, as these are not used in the game.

The winner is determined by the first player to successfully align four of their counters in a row, which can be achieved horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Throughout the game, players are encouraged to discuss and make connections with addition facts that sum up to ten. For instance, if 5 plus 5 equals 10, then 4 plus 5 must equal 9. This conversational aspect of the game not only enhances their understanding of the relationship between addition and subtraction but also promotes strategic thinking as they aim to win the game. The digit board, filled with numbers, serves as the playing field where players strategize to create their line of four counters while learning the essential number facts of nine.