Choose appropriate written or mental methods to add 4-digit numbers

Year 4
Choose appropriate written or mental methods to add 4-digit numbers
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths
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When adding 4-digit numbers, the decision to use mental or written methods hinges on the complexity of the numbers involved. Simple additions, where the digits align neatly or involve adding multiples of 1000, can often be done mentally. For instance, adding 4632 + 3400 can be swiftly calculated in one's head by recognising the sum as 4632 + 3000 + 400, resulting in 8032. Similarly, 3867 + 199, with its clear hundreds and single-digit addition, lends itself to a quick mental calculation. However, when dealing with numbers that require carrying over, such as 4632 + 3999, a written method is typically more efficient to avoid errors and ensure accuracy.

For students, understanding when to apply each method is crucial. They must identify patterns, such as when the ones digit is an 8, which might suggest a written method due to the likelihood of carrying over. Calculations like 4986 + 2014, where each corresponding digit sums to a multiple of 10, might be easier done mentally, whereas more complex problems, such as 6598 + 7465, with multiple carrying overs, are better suited to a written approach. Encouraging students to create their own calculations helps them grasp the nuances of each method. For example, 5463 + 3207 is straightforward and can be done mentally, while 6983 + 1345 may require a written method to accurately manage the addition of individual digits.