Number 15 - CanDo Bonds

Year 1 - Year 2
Number 15 - CanDo Bonds
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths
AI generated

Number 15 - CanDo Bonds is an engaging and colourful educational activity designed to help children understand and practice number bonds that total 15. The activity set includes a variety of exercises to reinforce the concept in a fun and interactive way. Children are invited to 'Create it' by completing dominoes, ensuring the sum of the dots or numbers on each half equals 15. They 'Colour it' by adding numbers on illustrations like Coco's wings and colouring parts of the picture if the total is correct. The 'Join it' task involves colouring boxes on a grid to form a path, each box containing a pair of numbers that add up to 15.

The 'Jot it' section requires kids to complete number sentences, reinforcing their understanding of addition and the concept of number bonds. They are presented with a series of sums such as 9 + 6, 10 + 5, and 8 + 7, and they must fill in the blanks to create equations that result in 15. 'Snap it' is a problem-solving activity where children must determine how many cubes have been snapped off a line of 15, encouraging them to use subtraction within the context of number bonds. Additional exercises include 'Solve it', 'Make it', and 'Model it', which involve drawing models, writing number sentences, and applying the concept to real-life scenarios, such as calculating the difference in points between two rugby teams or counting money. This comprehensive set of activities is designed to build fluency in number bonds, an essential skill in early mathematics education.