Max Maths, Year 6, Try it, Converting fractions to decimals

Year 6
Max Maths, Year 6, Try it, Converting fractions to decimals
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths, Year 6 material, students are presented with exercises to convert fractions to decimals and vice versa. For instance, to convert the fraction 3/5 into a decimal, the process starts by understanding that 1/5 is equivalent to 0.2. Since 3/5 is the sum of three 1/5s, it can be calculated by adding 0.2 three times, which equals 0.6. This method helps students see the relationship between fractions and their decimal counterparts in a clear and systematic way.

Similarly, converting a decimal like 0.03 into a fraction involves recognising that 0.01 is the same as 1/100. Therefore, 0.03 is the sum of three 0.01s, meaning it can be represented as 3/100 when converted into a fraction. The exercises continue by challenging students to convert a series of decimals into fractions and fractions into decimals. They are asked to apply their understanding of these conversions to various examples, such as converting 0.5, 0.08, and 0.75 into fractions, and 3/20, 7/10, 7/20, and 7/50 into decimals. These exercises are designed to reinforce their knowledge and ensure they are comfortable with the conversion process. Students are directed to workbook pages 150 to 151 to practice these skills further.