Link it! Prior knowledge - History of Bury - Year 3

Year 3
Link it! Prior knowledge - History of Bury - Year 3
Focus Education
Focus Education
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When embarking on a journey through the history of Bury with Year 3 students, it's essential to begin by tapping into their prior knowledge. This initial exploration can reveal what the children already know about the town. Some students may be aware of the two monuments dedicated to Sir Robert Peel, a significant figure in Bury's history. Others might be familiar with the famous Bury market, and perhaps the town's connection with the traditional delicacy, black pudding. Encouraging the children to record their existing understanding in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of their Knowledge Organiser sets the foundation for the unit, ensuring that learning is built upon what they already know.

The 'LINK IT!' activity further delves into the children's prior knowledge by drawing connections within the subject of history, across different subjects, and from their own personal experiences. This multidimensional approach helps to create a richer context for learning. For example, students might discuss why Bury was established, linking it to historical trade routes or local industry. By considering the town's origins from various angles, children can develop a more comprehensive understanding of Bury's place in history, and how it has evolved into the town they know today.