How and why were the Ancient Egyptians influenced by their gods? - Teacher notes 2

Year 4
How and why were the Ancient Egyptians influenced by their gods? - Teacher notes 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The Ancient Egyptians' lives were deeply entwined with their belief in the divine, with gods influencing many aspects of their civilisation. The construction of pyramids, for instance, was not just an architectural endeavour but also a spiritual one. These monumental structures were built as tombs for pharaohs, whom the Egyptians believed were divine rulers chosen by the gods. The pyramids served as a bridge between the earthly realm and the afterlife, ensuring the pharaohs' immortality and continued protection by the gods.

Moreover, the Egyptians' writing system, hieroglyphics, was imbued with religious significance. Many of the symbols used were representations of gods and goddesses, and the act of writing was considered a sacred practice. Hieroglyphs were used to record religious texts, spells, and prayers, particularly in the tombs and temples, further underscoring the gods' influence on Egyptian society. The reverence for their deities shaped not only the Egyptians' cultural and religious practices but also propelled their civilisation to remarkable advancements, setting them ahead of their time in various domains such as architecture, art, and governance.