How and why were the Ancient Egyptians influenced by their gods? - Teacher notes

Year 4
How and why were the Ancient Egyptians influenced by their gods? - Teacher notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

The teaching notes provided are aimed at exploring the profound impact of religion on the Ancient Egyptian civilisation, a society that thrived over 3000 years ago. The lesson's objective is to delve into the ways in which the Egyptians were shaped by their deep-seated beliefs in a pantheon of deities. To achieve this, the lesson is structured into two main segments. The initial segment focuses on educating pupils about the various gods worshipped by the Ancient Egyptians, delving into their characteristics and the roles they played within the mythology.

Following the introduction to these deities, the second segment of the lesson prompts pupils to consider the practical implications of such beliefs on the everyday lives and practices of the Ancient Egyptians. To aid in this exploration, a recommended resource is a video clip from BBC Teach titled "KS2 History: Ancient Egypt. Gods and goddesses." This visual aid is intended to assist pupils in compiling a list of the principal Egyptian gods and understanding the significance each held. Additionally, an accompanying table, likely providing a structured format for recording information about the gods, is mentioned as a useful tool for the lesson. Through these activities, students are expected to gain insight into why the Ancient Egyptian civilisation was remarkably advanced for its time, with a particular emphasis on the influence wielded by their religious beliefs.