What has helped us to build a picture of what happened during the stone age period? - Teacher notes

Year 3
What has helped us to build a picture of what happened during the stone age period? - Teacher notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In the study of the Stone Age period, pupils are encouraged to develop their disciplinary knowledge through exploring significant archaeological sites such as Skara Brae and Stonehenge. These sites provide a wealth of information that helps educators and students alike to piece together the lives and practices of ancient peoples. Skara Brae, for example, offers a glimpse into Neolithic life through its well-preserved structures and artefacts. By examining photographs, videos, and written materials, students can deduce certain facts about the inhabitants of Skara Brae and engage in critical thinking about what remains unknown or speculative.

Similarly, Stonehenge serves as a monumental source of historical enquiry, prompting students to explore various theories about its purpose and construction. The use of online resources, including educational videos, allows for a multi-faceted approach to learning, where students can virtually experience these sites and consider the evidence presented. Artefacts play a crucial role as well, as they offer tangible links to the past, enabling students to form a more concrete understanding of Stone Age life. Through these investigations, pupils learn to distinguish between what can be stated with certainty and what requires further interpretation, thereby building a comprehensive picture of the Stone Age period and its evolution into the Iron Age.