Cops and robbers - How much do you know about the Victorians?

Year 2
Cops and robbers - How much do you know about the Victorians?
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

The 'Cops and Robbers' activity is an engaging group exercise that aims to test and expand pupils' knowledge about the Victorian era. In this interactive game, pupils are arranged into groups of four and are challenged to individually jot down everything they can recall about the Victorians within a two-minute timeframe. This initial stage focuses on personal recall and is intended to capture as much information as the pupils can remember on their own.

Following the recall phase, each pupil is given a one-minute opportunity to review the notes of their peers. During this time, they are on the lookout for new or unfamiliar pieces of information that they have not recorded themselves. This is the 'robbery' aspect of the game, where they 'steal' knowledge from one another. After this review session, pupils can add this newly acquired information to the 'stolen knowledge' section of their chart. For each piece of information they manage to record, pupils are awarded two points. The entire activity is designed to last about 15 minutes, offering a fun and competitive way for students to learn from each other and enrich their understanding of the impact Victorians have had on modern life.