Picture match - Victorian artefacts

Year 2
Picture match - Victorian artefacts
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

The Victorian era was a period of significant advancement and innovation, many of which have had a lasting impact on our lives today. The Victorians were instrumental in shaping the modern world through their contributions to industry, technology, and culture. From the widespread development of the railway system, which transformed transportation and commerce, to the introduction of the penny post, which revolutionised communication, Victorian innovations laid the groundwork for many aspects of contemporary society. Their influence can also be seen in the architecture of the period, the establishment of compulsory education, and the beginnings of social reform. The artefacts from this era serve as tangible reminders of the Victorian legacy and how it continues to influence our daily lives.

In a picture match activity focusing on Victorian artefacts, participants are encouraged to identify various items from the era, with each correct answer earning three points. This activity, which typically allows for 10 minutes of engagement, not only serves as an educational tool to learn about historical objects but also prompts participants to consider the broader question of the Victorians' influence on modern life. By naming and learning about these artefacts, one gains insight into the daily lives of people during the Victorian period and the innovations that have persisted through time, continuing to affect us today.