Link it! Prior knowledge - Famous People from Manchester - Year 1

Year 1
Link it! Prior knowledge - Famous People from Manchester - Year 1
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In a Year 1 classroom, young learners begin to delve into the concept of fame and the city of Manchester by tapping into their existing knowledge. The lesson encourages children to reflect on what they already understand about the term 'famous' and to identify any notable individuals they may be aware of. This exploration might reveal that some children have previously discussed significant historical figures during their time in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), while others may be familiar with contemporary sports personalities, musicians, or even members of the Royal family. Additionally, they might possess some knowledge about the city of Manchester itself, whether through landmarks, cultural aspects, or its rich industrial history.

To effectively document and organise their thoughts, the children are asked to record what they already know in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of their Knowledge Organiser. This activity not only serves as a foundation for the unit about famous people from Manchester and the UK but also helps to bridge connections between different areas of learning. By considering their prior knowledge within the same subject, other subjects, and their personal experiences, pupils can create a well-rounded understanding of the topic. This method of linking new information with what they already know aids in the retention and deeper comprehension of the subject matter, as it personalises and contextualises their learning journey.