Why do Kenyans have to worry more than us about drought? - Teacher notes

Year 2
Why do Kenyans have to worry more than us about drought?  - Teacher notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In an educational setting, children are invited to explore the significant impact of drought on communities, particularly in Kenya, through the book 'Lila and the Secret of Rain'. This narrative offers a window into life in a small Kenyan village and the serious challenges posed by water scarcity. Teachers encourage pupils to engage with the story and reflect on their own understanding of drought, prompting them to consider how a lack of water can affect every aspect of community life, from daily routines to the survival of local wildlife.

The lesson extends beyond the story, urging pupils to appreciate the value of water in regions like Kenya where it is a precious commodity. Discussions are enhanced with visual aids from an online video, although the original commentary is replaced with a teacher's explanation to ensure the content is accessible for the children's level of understanding. Through this immersive learning experience, students are prompted to contemplate the stark differences between their lives and those of people living in drought-stricken areas. They are encouraged to think critically about why Kenyans face a greater threat from drought conditions compared to regions where water is more readily available.