Lila and the secret of rain - Worksheet

Year 2
Lila and the secret of rain - Worksheet
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

The worksheet titled "Lila and the Secret of Rain" is designed as a follow-up activity for children who have read the book. After engaging with the story, the children are prompted to reflect on the insights they've gained about life in a small Kenyan village. This task encourages them to draw from the narrative to identify and list the cultural, geographical, and daily life aspects that are unique to the setting of the story. It's an opportunity for students to engage with the book on a deeper level and to consider the social and environmental context presented within it.

Furthermore, the worksheet prompts children to engage in a comparative and introspective exercise, asking them to consider how their own lives might differ if they were to live in Kenya. They are also encouraged to think critically about the challenges faced by Kenyans, particularly concerning the issue of drought. This line of questioning aims to foster empathy and understanding by having the children contemplate why drought might be a more pressing concern in Kenya compared to their own circumstances. Through these questions, the worksheet not only enhances comprehension of the book's content but also broadens the children's global awareness and social consciousness.