Tom's Midnight Garden - Teacher Instructions

Year 5
Tom's Midnight Garden - Teacher Instructions
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

AI generated

The provided teacher instructions offer guidance on utilising a resource pack designed for the book "Tom's Midnight Garden". This pack is a compilation of ideas and activities tailored to enhance the teaching and engagement with the novel. Teachers are encouraged to selectively choose activities that cater to the specific needs of their class and align with other subjects being taught. The pack's structure is such that it presents suggestions corresponding to each chapter of the book, allowing for flexibility in case excerpts rather than full chapters are read in class. It is important to ensure that the activities chosen are relevant to the sections of the book being studied.

While the pack offers a structured approach with activities linked to specific chapters, it also provides the freedom to use ideas for foundation subjects at different points in the book as seen fit for the class's schedule and learning pace. The overarching goal is to engage in activities that are most effective and suitable for the unique dynamics of the class. Teachers are also encouraged to add their own ideas to the pack to tailor the learning experience further. The pack includes a Reading Skills sheet, which helps to cross-reference activities with the objectives of the English National Curriculum. Additionally, the instructions mention that the book can be incorporated into various topic overviews available on the website, including themes of magic, monsters, and science-focused explorations of a secret garden.

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