The Last Bear - Session 12 - Reading Comprehension answers

Year 5
The Last Bear - Session 12 - Reading Comprehension answers
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In Session 12 of 'The Last Bear' reading comprehension, April refrains from retrieving the satellite phone to avoid her father, who may prevent her from proceeding with her plans. To launch the boat, Bear himself pushes it into the sea, demonstrating his strength and determination. The phrase 'her stomach flip-flopped' is used to convey April's mix of nervousness, fear, excitement, and possible seasickness. The comparison of the sea to a rollercoaster is effective because it vividly describes the tumultuous motion of the waves. April assures Bear they will be fine, trying to comfort him amidst his terror. In a moment of raw vulnerability, April allows herself to scream, acknowledging the severity of the storm they are caught in. During the ordeal at sea, Bear attempts to assist April by swimming towards her after she surfaces. The session concludes with April regaining consciousness in a ship's cabin, where her father experiences a tumult of emotions, including anger, relief, and shock. Bear is found in the hold of the ship, marking the end of an intense and harrowing experience for both characters.